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Reference documentation for the bridge contract.

The source for this contract can be obtained on its Github repository.


This contract provides user and administration interfaces for the Antelope IBC Bridge contract. It publishes the following actions:

  • Core IBC actions, parameters by reference: checkproofa, checkproofb, checkproofc
  • Core IBC actions, parameters by value: checkproofd, checkproofe, checkprooff
  • Administrative actions: inita, initb, enable, disable


STRUCT actionproof

Action invocation proof.


  • {action} action - the action invocation to prove
  • {bridge::actreceipt} receipt - the receipt of the action invocation
  • {std::vector<char>} returnvalue - the value returned by the acton
  • {std::vector<checksum256> amproofpath - the main action proof object

STRUCT actreceipt


  • {name} receiver
  • {checksum256} act_digest
  • {uint64_t} global_sequence
  • {uint64_t} recv_sequence
  • {std::vector<bridge::authseq>} auth_sequence
  • {unsigned_int} code_sequence
  • {unsigned_int} abi_sequence

STRUCT anchorblock


  • {bridge::sblockheader} block
  • {std::vector<uint16_t>} active_nodes
  • {uint64_t} node_count

STRUCT authseq


  • {name} account
  • {uint64_t} sequence

STRUCT blockheader


  • {block_timestamp} timestamp
  • {name} producer
  • {uint16_t} confirmed
  • {checksum256} previous
  • {checksum256} transaction_mroot
  • {checksum256} action_mroot
  • {uint32_t} schedule_version
  • {std::optional<producer_schedule>} new_producers
  • {std::vector<std::pair<uint16_t,std::vector<char>>>} header_extensions

STRUCT heavyproof

Heavy block proof.


  • {checksum256} chain_id - remote chain id where this heavy block proof originates from
  • {bridge::anchorblock} blocktoprove - the block to prove
  • {std::vector<checksum256>} hashes - array of hashes in the proof
  • {std::vector<bridge::sblockheader>} bftproof - the main heavy block proof object

STRUCT lightproof

Light block proof.


  • {checksum256} chain_id - remote chain id where this heavy block proof originates from
  • {bridge::blockheader} header - header of the block being proven
  • {checksum256} - root - merkle root
  • {std::vector<checksum256> bmproofpath - the main light block proof object

STRUCT sblockheader


  • {bridge::blockheader} header
  • {std::vector<signature>} producer_signatures
  • {checksum256} previous_bmroot
  • {std::vector<uint16_t>} bmproofpath

STRUCT schedulev2


  • {uint32_t} version
  • {std::vector<producer_authority>} producers


TABLE chains

This table contains the list of blockchains, and their bridge endpoint contracts, that this bridge is connected to.


  • {name} name - readable chain name of the remote chain
  • {checksum256} chain_id - chain id of the remote chain
  • {uint32_t} return_value_activated - if the RETURN_VALUE_ACTIVATED feature is not set for the chain, this is set to zero. Otherwise, it is set to the block height the feature was activated
  • {bool} enabled - set to false if bridging to this chain has been disabled

TABLE lastproofs

This table contains the last saved heavy proof for each connected chain, to be used for light proofs for that chain moving forward. Scoped by the readable chain name.


  • {uint64_t} id - proof id
  • {uint32_t} block_height - block height of the proof
  • {checksum256} block_merkle_root - merkle root of the block
  • {time_point} expiry - proof expiry

TABLE schedules

This table contains the currently saved schedule objects for a chain. Scoped by that chain's readable name.


  • {uint64_t} version - schedule version
  • {producer_schedule} producer_schedule_v1 - version 1 producer schedule object (can be empty)
  • {bridge::schedulev2} producer_schedule_v2 - version 1 producer schedule object (can be empty)
  • {checksum256} hash - digest of the schedule
  • {uint32_t} first_block - first block of the schedule
  • {uint32_t} last_block - last block of the schedule
  • {time_point} expiry - schedule expiration time


ACTION checkproofa

Prove a block using a heavy block proof.

To be used with inline action. The heavyproof object will be fetched from an eosio::singleton table named heavyproof that is stored on the given contract.


  • None.


  • {name} contract - contract that has the heavyproof object stored on a table named heavyproof that is an eosio::singleton

ACTION checkproofb

Prove a block and an action using a heavy block proof.

To be used with inline action. The heavyproof object will be fetched from an eosio::singleton table named heavyproof that is stored on the given contract.


  • None.


  • {name} contract - contract that has the heavyproof object stored on a table named heavyproof that is an eosio::singleton
  • {actionproof} actionproof - the action proof

ACTION checkproofc

Using a heavy block proof that has been saved previously in this contract, use a light proof to prove any action that has occured prior to or as part of that block.

To be used with inline action. The lightproof object will be fetched from an eosio::singleton table named lightproof that is stored on the given contract.


  • None.


  • {name} contract - contract that has the lightproof object stored on a table named lightproof that is an eosio::singleton
  • {actionproof} actionproof - the action proof

ACTION checkproofd

Prove a block using a heavy proof.


  • None.


  • {heavyproof} blockproof - the heavy block proof

ACTION checkproofe

Prove a block and an action using a heavy block proof.


  • None.


  • {heavyproof} blockproof - the heavy block proof
  • {actionproof} actionproof - the action proof

ACTION checkprooff

Using a heavy block proof that has been saved previously in this contract, use a light proof to prove any action that has occured prior to or as part of that block.


  • None.


  • {lightproof} blockproof - the light block proof
  • {actionproof} actionproof - the action proof

ACTION disable

Disable communication with a remote chain.


  • get_self()


  • {name} chain_name - readable chain name to disable

ACTION enable

Re-enable communication with a remote chain.


  • get_self()


  • {name} chain_name - readable chain name to enable

ACTION inita

Connects the bridge contract to another instance of the bridge on another blockchain, using a v1 schedule.


  • get_self()


  • {name} chain_name - readable name of the remote chain
  • {checksum256} chain_id - chain id of the remote chain
  • {uint32_t} return_value_activated - if the RETURN_VALUE_ACTIVATED feature is not set for the chain, this is set to zero. Otherwise, it is set to the block height the feature was activated
  • {producer_schedule} initial_schedule - old (v1) schedule version to use for initializing IBC with this chain

ACTION initb

Connects the bridge contract to another instance of the bridge on another blockchain, using a v2 schedule.


  • get_self()


  • {name} chain_name - readable name of the remote chain
  • {checksum256} chain_id - chain id of the remote chain
  • {uint32_t} return_value_activated - if the RETURN_VALUE_ACTIVATED feature is not set for the chain, this is set to zero. Otherwise, it is set to the block height the feature was activated
  • {bridge::schedulev2} initial_schedule - new (v2) schedule version to use for initializing IBC with this chain